Sunday, March 24, 2013

You Don't Eat Enough Vegetables

I hate when people say they don't like vegetables. How can you totally write off an entire food group? Not to mention it is the most nutritious and low calorie comestible on the pyramid. Here is your challenge this week: Eat more vegetables. Aim high. You should be getting 2 and a half cups or more a day. Google yourself a list of vegetables and pick some you've never had that you could try. Pick some you've tried and look up a new way to prepare them.

Vegetable preparation. Lord Jesus. I don't care if you get your greens from your heirloom plants you made out of your own organic human wastes or if you eat them straight out of the dented can you picked up at the dollar store. Raw, frozen, steamed, microwaved, canned, or boiled; it really doesn't matter. No one got fat from eating vegetables. Yeah, you might lose some nutrients, but I'd rather you find a satisfactory taste and texture than try force feeding yourself raw kale.

Season your veggies! Garlic is good. A tsp of oil or REAL butter never killed anyone. How about a smidgen of cheese? How about a tbsp of ranch? This is real life people.

I used to turn up my nose at most every veggie. What happened is, like developing any habit, I practice eating them, acquired a taste for them, and now I crave them.

What vegetables will you add to your menu this week?

My favorite is brussel sprouts. I had them for the first time 6 months ago when a friend insisted I try them. Up till that point I was repulsed by them. I would not let one pass my lips because they looked like premature cabbage patch babies to me. They're a staple in my home now.

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