Friday, January 4, 2013

An introduction

     My name is Emily, and I used to be really fat. I was born fat. When 12 pound baby Emily pushed her way out of the womb, she dislocated mother's hip. I went on to be a chubby child, an overweight teen, and an obese young adult.
     When people ask how long it took me to lose the weight, I am uncomfortable assigning a strict time line because I have spent my whole life working at this. It is the same thing when I try to explain how I got so fat in the first place. I have a detailed self-analysis I'll get into later, but it is not an easy answer. My issue with weight was a compilation of genetics, poor food culture, depression, a sedentary lifestyle, and a laundry list of other factors.

     Onto this blogging business. Why am I going to post my success(es) on the internet? Firstly, I made a resolution to begin writing again this year. I read an essay in college that has stuck with me over the years. The author (whom's name did not stick) said, and I'm paraphrasing, you can't call yourself a writer if no one is reading your shit. So thank you. Just now, by you reading this, I became a writer. Just like when a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.

  This segues into my second reason, and explains the title. I am writing this for attention. I did something really hard. I lost loads of weight. Positive attention is a huge motivator. What is the point in looking so good if no one is noticing? I've got this big FAT ego, and it needs to be fueled. I like to be reminded frequently how inspiring I am, how sexy I look, and how cleverly I write.

     I am writing to inspire. I looked at loads of weight-loss blogs to stay motivated. Friends and family, and even strangers are asking how I did it. Now I have a place I can share my whole life-long weight loss journey. I'll tell you what diets I followed, what I do at the gym, and what I eat. I'll give reviews of products I've tried and books I've read, and I'll share many amusing anecdotes and weight-loss foibles.

     Finally, I am writing to stay motivated. I still have weight to lose. After that, I'll have a whole life-time of keeping it off. Statistically, over 50% of obese people, who get to a healthy weight, gain it back. I invented that statistic, but I reckon it is something like that.

    By now I hope you are hooked. You're nodding your head and thinking, I want to know this girl. I want to hear what she had done, and let her inspire me. I will always try to indulge your curiosity. Full-disclosure. Shameless pandering. Gratuitous self-promoting. Here are the facts you will need to paint the full-picture of the type of former fat girl you are dealing with. My highest weight was 265 pounds. I reached that number twice. Once when I was a sophomore in college and again when I was 40 weeks pregnant. I am 5'9, and I have a large frame (I am legit big boned). Even with that much weight on me, I could squeeze into a size 18. As of new years day 2013, I am at 187 lbs, and I am squeezing into a size 10. Being tall comes with some advantages.

     Below I have posted some really humiliating pictures of myself. I promise more to come. I have loads of really shit photos. Why couldn't I have been one of those fat girls who refused to let anyone take her picture?  I figure later, when you're reading about my awesome lifestyle and getting really jealous and feeling resentful rather than motivated, you can refer back to my fatty photos and take comfort. Likewise, you may be thinking, this girl ain't that skinny. These will be good for comparison. Look how far I've come!
This was at my 7th birthday. I'm next to my fit mom salivating at my cake.
Here I am at 15. 240 pounds. I hate it. HATE IT.

And here I am age 22 and about 33 weeks pregnant. Cute pregnant belly? I think not.

You should be feeling so good about yourself right now! Really inspired! I am. I am literally going to get off the computer and exercise off some of my feelings from looking at these old pictures. Next post will be "The Skinny on How I got Skinny".

1 comment:

  1. I am so amazingly proud of you for your weight lose and writing abilities. I brag to everyone simply because I know you. You have always been my biggest motivation to work out and be fit, now you can be that for people all over the inter-web.

    Keep up the great work!
