Monday, January 14, 2013

Friday's Weigh In

It has been too long since I've updated. I am super committed to this blog project, but the wireless Internet is out at my house. I have been to the library twice this week- both times it was closed. Today I was waiting on the maintenance man to appear and solve my problems, when my dear blogger friend James ( told me I had to update, and I should just use my smart phone. At first I wanted to protest about how long it would take to type out without a proper keyboard, but frankly, I do an obscene amount of texting and a 300 word blog is merely a drop in the bucket.

For the record, I did write this post on Friday. You see, I believe when you are trying to lose weight you should weigh in once a week on the same week day and at the same time. I strategically chose Friday mornings because friday thru Sunday is when I am most susceptible to eating out and drinking alcohol. God forbid, I may even miss a workout (author's note- this particular weekend I did all of those wicked things, thankful I don't have a Monday morning weigh in).

So, I woke up this morning, drug myself out of bed, and used the restroom. I like to do a lot of pregaming before a weigh in. Definitely gonna use the restroom, probably gonna go ahead and shave, and may trim my nails. Listen, all I'm saying is every dead skin cell I can scrape off me at the last minute, I will. Weigh ins make me anxious and stressed. Not at all how anyone should feel ever, but the real truth of the matter is that it does. That is why you should never never weigh yourself everyday. It makes you crazy.

So after my little rituals, I get out the scale and gingerly tap it to turn on. I like to step on and say a prayer. I have to pray that I have lost weight. I also pray that if I didn't lose weight I will not go off the deep end. Finally, the screen lights up. I weighed in at 184.8.


In 11 days I had only lost 2.2 pounds.Why is this such a bummer for me? Because I was at 185 pounds the week before Christmas, so if your using crazy girl math, I'm really only down .2 pounds. Secondly, I try to lose 2 pounds a week. 11 days (in crazy girl math) is basically two weeks. So, I am 1.8 pounds fatter than I should be (logic is still crazy, but that was regular math). I am bummed because I worked out really aggressively: about an hour and a half all 11 days. I kept my food journal every day and drank water every day. Why am I not a bazilillion pounds lighter already?

I have to step off the scale and try to make myself be rational. I did start my monthly cycle a few days ago. I also got pharyngitis, so I was producing a lot of snot that was sitting in my belly. I don't know the mass of snot, but I know it weighs something because I could feel it sitting there. Finally, I had to get out my calculator. Lets see here. 11 over 2.2 and times that by 7...and eureka! I had averaged .2 pounds a day which is 1.4 pounds a week. That is like text book perfect weight loss. Wow, what a difference using actual math makes!

So, in fact, I have done totally great for my first whole week of the new year. I needed to be realistic. That is the tip of the day. I would have told anyone else to celebrate even a single ounce of weight loss. Don't be so critical of yourself. My new New Year's resolution is to appreciate my awesome body more. Be less terrified of the numbers. This was a good week, but there will be plateaus, and there will be bad weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Good right up. Guys have some crazy math too. Also its survivalpunk lol
