Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Breakfast of Champions

It just so happens I am an expert omelet maker. I learned to make them from my step-dad, who by the way is Mexican. If you have never had the good luck to have a Mexican cook for you, you are really missing out. The things they can do with steak and cornmeal is unreal. Anyway, I am really into omelets. Some tricks of the trade:

1. Buy a tiny skillet. 6 inches or so. If you are trying to make an omelet in anything larger you will either end up with crepes or scrambled eggs...all over your face. What is a boy to do? A boy should invest in a little skillet.

2. Use whole eggs, not just the whites. Unless you're medically restricted, then quit being a pussy and eat the whole egg.

3. Fry it in butter. Whoa! Don't freak out on me. All good things in moderation. In the book "French Women Don't Get Fat", Guiliano says butter is a decadent rich necessity. Use it sparingly and enjoy richer food. Truth is fat makes food taste better. If you eat better tasting food, you will be more satisfied. Don't DON'T fry it in margarine or any other synthetic crap. A good rule to live by is anything they ate before electricity was invented, is good to eat. Just use half a tablespoon or less and you'll be fine.

4. Dress up your omelet when you're done. If you went western style, put some guacamole and salsa on it. If you went Greek, sprinkle feta and pesto. Maybe you made a vegetarian omelet? Go ahead and crumble some bacon on it to make it suck less.

I like to have an omelet for breakfast because they are high in protein, under 300 calories, a good way to get veggies into your breakfast, and they are so yummy.

Unfortunately, I don't always have time to chop vegetables, beat eggs, and watch cheese melt. I am a busy girl. I normally wake up at 4:30 a.m. (this is a true story) and get in a work out. Then I have to get cleaned up and ready for work, get my toddler up and ready for child care, and then hit the road for a short commute.

Breakfast is extremely important to me, but I like to go into a morning workout fasting. I've heard that is a good plan for optimal calorie/fat burning, but more importantly, my workouts are typically high impact, and I would get sick on a full stomach. So, what types of foods do I eat when I am on the run?

I like Chobani Greek yogurt. It is a little high in sugar, but it is also high in protein, convenient, good tasting, and in vogue to eat. I like to keep my diet fashionable, ya know?

I may have a packet of instant sugar free oat meal in a coffee mug with half a cup of unsweetened almond milk.

Some days I will even eat a Luna fiber bar. I don't like to over indulge in meal replacements, but I like these with my coffee.

Good Gawd. How did I forget coffee? I drink 1 and a half cups a day with 3 tablespoons of sugar free creamer. My morning routine is exercise with a liter of water and breakfast with a thermos of coffee. If either gets interrupted, I can get pretty cranky.

OK. To recap, this blog is to remind you to eat breakfast everyday. I aim to keep mine around 300 calories, and because I eat after a workout, I try to keep it high protein. If I do have a more carby breakfast, I make sure it is fiber dense.

It is also to show you how freaking good an omelet made by yours truly looks. This one is pre garnishments so you could appreciate it in its natural form. 

I also wanted to show off a new picture of me! I know I didn't update my weigh in Friday. I was down .2 lbs. So, yeah, I had a loss, but I didn't have much to say about it. Then I did my measurements on Tuesday since it had been 4 weeks since the new year started. I had one tiny half inch loss. Wanna guess where it came from? MY BRA! What a bummer. So, I was feeling a little butt hurt about my results and decided retail therapy would cheer me up. It sure did. I look so skinny! So, the scale and the measuring tape can stuff it. I'm still pretty confident I'll be in the 170's by February 1st.

Tell me, what do YOU eat for breakfast?


  1. Yoplait protein fruit smoothie (saw on biggest loser and had to try one haha). Can't skip breakfast or my whole day is ruined

  2. I actually had an omelet this morning, with steak onions, peppers, and onions. Yum!!!
